Quebec Motorcycle Test 02

The first and most important aspect of the Quebec Motorcycle Knowledge Test is understanding road rules. This includes knowing speed limits, right-of-way regulations, and other essential laws that govern the roads. Our practice test includes detailed questions and explanations to ensure you have a thorough understanding of these. We also provide helpful tips and tricks to help you remember these rules on the test day. With our resources, you can be sure that you are fully prepared for this portion of the exam.


Quebec Motorcycle Practice Test 02

1 / 30

What can you do if the throttle is jammed?

2 / 30

When pulling onto the shoulder, when should you reduce speed?

3 / 30

If you shift gears while the engine is switched off, each time you shift into a new gear how do you know that the transmission is properly engaged?

4 / 30

The clutch on most motorcycles is activated by...?

5 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Depending on the model of motorcycle, the rear wheel is propelled either by...?

6 / 30

Why should you keep your arms relaxed and slightly bent?

7 / 30

Why should you not downshift when you have to stop in an emergency?

8 / 30

What is referred to as the friction point?

9 / 30

If your vehicle begins to hydroplane, which of the following steps is not done?

10 / 30

What should you do if the rear wheel is skidding while accelerating?

11 / 30

Which of the following is not a step to do if the motorcycle begins to wobble or shimmy?

12 / 30

Skipping a gear when accelerating can do what?

13 / 30

What should you do if both wheels are skidding while braking?

14 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Counterbalancing can be used for the following...?

15 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? You use the following steps to correctly use the brakes to slow down...?

16 / 30

Skipping a gear when downshifting causes what?

17 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? To familiarize yourself with the gear positions, perform the following operations with the engine switched off...?

18 / 30

Why should you not brake immediately with the front brake when stopping in an emergency?

19 / 30

What should you do if the front wheel is skidding while braking?

20 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? What should you do if the rear tire is flat?

21 / 30

If you have a flat tire, should you avoid braking?

22 / 30

What is meant by counterbalancing?

23 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? What should you do if the front tire is flat?

24 / 30

Should you use the clutch or brakes while counter steering?

25 / 30

If the oil pressure indicator lamp comes on while you are riding, what should you do?

26 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? The following steps are needed to counterbalance...?

27 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? The following steps are required to exit the roadway...?

28 / 30

What should you do if the shimmying or wobbling is caused by a mechanical problem?

29 / 30

What does hydroplane mean?

30 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? The following can cause a flat tire as you are travelling on the road network...?

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Another crucial aspect of the Quebec Motorcycle Knowledge Test is recognizing road signs. As a rider, it’s essential to understand and follow all road signs for your safety

Road signs play a crucial role in keeping riders safe on the road. As such, the Quebec Motorcycle Knowledge Test includes questions on various road signs and their meanings. Our practice test thoroughly covers all types of road signs, from warning signs to regulatory signs, to ensure that you are fully prepared to recognize and understand them on your test day.

With our extensive practice questions and explanations, you can confidently approach this section of the exam.