PEI Motorcycle Test 04

Whether you’re a PEI resident seeking your first motorcycle license or an enthusiast looking to comply with island laws, this guide will serve as your compass for the open road. Prepare well, ride safe, and enjoy the beauty of the Island province on two wheels.


PEI Motorcycle Practice Test 04

1 / 30

How would you know if the front tire goes flat?

2 / 30

When riding in a group, who should sent the pace?

3 / 30

Is group riding acceptable?

4 / 30

Where should the passenger place their feet?

5 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? If you have to stop quickly, you should...?

6 / 30

When do a large number of motorcycle collisions happen to drivers?

7 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? To ride over an object as smoothly as possible, you should...?

8 / 30

Does the passenger have to have the same type of protective equipment?

9 / 30

How do you know if the rear tire goes flat?

10 / 30

When riding in a group, where are inexperienced riders placed?

11 / 30

When should you warn your passenger so that there are no surprises?

12 / 30

What is not something you should do if the front wheel begins to wobble?

13 / 30

How would you allow first-time passengers to get used to riding?

14 / 30

When a blowout happens, why do you need to react quickly?

15 / 30

When crossing a rough surface, try to meet the obstacles at what angle?

16 / 30

Which of the following are not causes of a wobble?

17 / 30

Be considerate by limiting the size of your group to what size?

18 / 30

What should you do first after being struck by such flying objects as insects or stones caused by other vehicles?

19 / 30

When crossing railroad tracks that are at an angle to the highway, it is advisable to slow down before the tracks and to cross them...?

20 / 30

Is it suggested to tell your passenger never to get on or off the motorcycle without asking you first?

21 / 30

What is the best way to avoid a dangerous situation?

22 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? When riding over loose surfaces, you should do the following...?

23 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? If you can't avoid riding over dangerous or loose surfaces, you should...?

24 / 30

Where does oil from cars and trucks usually build up?

25 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? To adjust to added weight of a passenger, you should...?

26 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? If the throttle is stuck wide open, you should do the following...?

27 / 30

When is the best time to get riding experience?

28 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? Sometimes you have no choice but to ride over an object that is seen too late to steer around, so you should do the following...?

29 / 30

Which statement is FALSE? To drive safely, you should...?

30 / 30

Why should you never ride side by side in the same lane?

Your score is



Navigating the Roads of PEI on Two Wheels

Mastering the written component is just one part of the equation. Understanding the motorcycle-specific rules of the road is equally important. PEI’s unique landscape and traffic patterns require a specialized approach to riding safely.

PEI-Specific Motorcycle Regulations

Familiarize yourself with the following PEI-specific motorcycle regulations:

  • Helmet Laws: PEI requires riders and passengers always to wear an approved helmet.
  • Headlight Modulators: PEI law allows the use of a headlight modulator during daylight hours to increase a motorcycle’s visibility.
  • Loud Exhausts: Excessive noise is a safety hazard against the law. Ensure your motorcycle’s exhaust system complies with regulations.

These are just a few examples of regulations affecting motorcycle riders in PEI. Remaining informed about the rules is imperative for legal and safe riding.

Safely Maneuvering the Island’s Roads

Their sometimes unpredictable nature matches the beauty of PEI’s roadways. Weather changes, wildlife, and variations in road conditions can all present new challenges. Here are some safety tips to consider:

  • Weather Awareness: PEI’s maritime climate means rapid weather changes. Always be prepared for wet or foggy conditions.
  • Wildlife Caution: PEI’s rural roads often have wildlife crossings. Be attentive and adjust your speed to reduce the risk of animal collisions.
  • Intersections Vigilance: Many motorcycle accidents occur at intersections. Exercise extreme caution, especially when approaching crossroads.

By integrating these tips into your riding knowledge, you’ll be ready to tackle the open roads of PEI safely and confidently.