Alberta Motorcycle Test 03

Taking the Alberta motorcycle practice test can significantly increase your chances of passing the motorcycle knowledge test on the first try. This free online practice test is an excellent resource for testing your knowledge of various aspects of motorcycle riding in Alberta. It covers road safety, traffic laws, and motorcycle handling topics.


Alberta Motorcycle Practice Test 03

1 / 25

Can you shift down several gears at a time?

2 / 25

What is referred to as upshifting?

3 / 25

Riding with your brake partially applied activates the brake light, may confuse other drivers, and will cause what to happen?

4 / 25

Why should you downshift through the gears to first gear before stopping?

5 / 25

Which of the following is not something to consider when choosing and maintaining your tires?

6 / 25

What is push-steering also know as?

7 / 25

How long does reaction time normally take?

8 / 25

How would you brake when stopping under normal conditions?

9 / 25

What is the advantage of downshifting while braking?

10 / 25

What is referred to as threshold braking?

11 / 25

Which statement is FALSE? Any sudden change in acceleration or braking to the rear wheel can do what while going around a curve or corner?

12 / 25

When parking your motorcycle what direction should the front wheel be facing?

13 / 25

When both brakes are applied, there is a transfer of rider weight to where?

14 / 25

If the motorcycle is going too fast for the selected gear and you downshift, what could happen?

15 / 25

Which of the following is not a method for starting on an uphill slope?

16 / 25

Which statement is FALSE? What are the factors that determine the time and distance required to stop?

17 / 25

Your rear wheel should be within how many centimetres of the curb?

18 / 25

Pushing on the left-hand grip will cause the motorcycle to do what?

19 / 25

At what degree angle are you parking the motorcycle to the curb or edge of roadway?

20 / 25

How long does perception time normally take?

21 / 25

When should you reduce your speed and change gears for a curve or corner, to have the best control?

22 / 25

Are motorcycles allowed to angle park?

23 / 25

When it is raining, when are the roads most slippery?

24 / 25

Why should you shift down through each gear when slowing or stopping?

25 / 25

On a hill, it is best to park...?

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The multiple-choice questions will test your understanding of the rules of the road and your ability to make correct decisions while riding a motorcycle. By taking this practice test, you can identify the areas where you need more practice and focus your study efforts. Passing the motorcycle knowledge test on the first try can save you time and money, as you will not need to retake the test or attend more training sessions. With knowledge of the rules of the road and road safety guidelines in Alberta, you can become a safe and confident motorcyclist. So, take advantage of this fantastic resource and increase your chances of passing the motorcycle knowledge test on the first try!

Safety Tips for the Road Test

  • Wear the Right Gear: Safety gear isn’t just a recommendation — it’s a must. Your protective equipment must meet the standards, so invest in a good-quality helmet, eye protection, gloves, and boots.
  • Be Seen: Bright clothing can improve your visibility. Consider using reflective materials if your road test is scheduled for low-light situations.
  • Position Yourself Smartly: Ride in a position that gives you the best view of the road ahead and is visible to other road users.
  • Use the Best Techniques: Employ proper cornering techniques, including pressing the handlebar in the direction you’re turning, looking through the turn, and controlling your throttle and brakes appropriately.
  • Behave Predictably: Sudden moves can be hazardous on a motorcycle. Signal your intentions clearly and move smoothly through traffic.
  • Be Aware of Road Conditions: Wet roads, gravel, and other unexpected conditions can test your skills and the exam’s limitations. Take extra care and adjust your speed and maneuvers accordingly.